Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week One

Week one will seem to be simple and a waste of time for some but this is designed for someone who is not a jogger/runner. I plan to do this on Monday, Wednesday and Friday as this will suit my current commitments. So here goes....

Day One - Walk for 4 and a half minutes and then jog for 30 seconds. Repeat this 8 times. This will take you 40 minutes to complete.

The speed of the jog is unimportant, what you should be concentration on is to make sure you jog for the whole 30 seconds. Make sure you have a flat route, a park or football oval would be a great choice.

Day Two - As we are going to start running straight away you need to warm up first. Take 5 minutes to warm up before you begin. Try walking, squats or whatever you feel comfortable with without too much exertion.

You need to mark out a 200m course. Run this 200m in a good pace, rest for 2 minutes and repeat. Do this 6 times. So today you will have run 1.2 k.

Day Three - You need to mark out a 1k course, mark out 500m for your home. Today we will try and run 1k. If you need to stop then walk for a short distance and run again. Keep a steady pace and make sure you course is as flat as possible. 

Stretching - It is extremely important that after each session you stretch for at least 5 minutes and preferable 10. You need to stretch you thighs, hamstrings, calves, achilles and don't forget your back and hips/pelvis. 

OK so this is the first week. Seems simple enough so lets get into it. I plan to do cross training on the off days with PT sessions, karate and swimming but that is what I want to do. I will continue with the paleo eating which we adopted during the first challenge and you need to have quality vitamins, minerals and supplements. 

Happy running.